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  • Writer's pictureHannah Waters

Rolo Rocky Road...

So, this week’s bake is a really simple and delicious one and just needs a little bit of patience, Rolo Rocky Road. I wanted a little break from cake or cookies and I’ve barely done any sort of tray bakes on this blog. Honestly a simple treat and something that’s great to make especially when at uni. Obviously second year at uni is a big one. A major thing this year is getting the shopping delivered, I know how sad being excited about a shopping delivery. I thought getting a club card was big news, getting a food delivery is much better and the points are great too. I had to wait for the delivery to come before I could make the rocky road but the wait was worth it I think.



This recipe is really simple to make, and you just have to wait for it to set (if you can wait that long). I started by melting 100g butter and 225g milk chocolate. I used milk chocolate because I didn’t want it to be too bitter. I also added 2 tablespoons of golden syrup. Once I had melted the butter and chocolate I left it too cool slightly. In a cool bowl I added 100g mini marshmallows, 100g chocolate chips and 50g mini Rolo’s. I also crushed 225g digestive biscuits. I added the melted chocolate mix and stirred everything together. I had already lined a tin with baking paper. After I had put the mix in the tin and spread it so it was flat I sprinkled some Rolo’s on top. After all it was a Rolo Rocky Road. I love the mini ones you can buy, they were perfect for this tray bake.



I put the Rocky Road in the fridge to set for about two hours. I was going to put a Halloween twist on this since we’re now in October. Instead of drizzling orange and green candy melts on top, I thought I’d stick with white chocolate instead. I melted half a bar, which was way too much. I filled a piping bag with the chocolate and drizzled it back and forth on top of the Rocky Road. I was so happy with how it looked. I put it back in the fridge to another half an hour for the chocolate to set, it was hard to wait to be able to cut into it.


I hate the pressure of having to cut into something that I’ve done. I actually got a ruler out and measured each slice and I still couldn’t cut in a straight line. It’s all good though I went for a slightly rustic look. It didn’t take long to get a photo I was happy with, I loved a little bit of grated chocolate on top. It was a nice relaxing thing to do before the baking for Halloween gets started next week. Keep your eyes peeled for some spooky Halloween bakes coming very soon. Have a lovely week.

Lots of love,

Hannah x

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